:: Crimson 2.0 :: Programming software for the G3 and G3 Kadet series of operator panels, CSMSTRSX, CSMSTRGT, CSMSTRV2, Data Station Plus, ICM8, EPAX5, EPAX6, LPAX5, LPAX6, PAXD, PAXDP, PAXH, PAXI, PAXP, PAXS, PAXT, T16, T48, P16, P48 and CUB5 (Software Version 2.0 or higher).
:: Crimson 3.0 :: Programming software for the G3 and G3 Kadet series of operator panels, CSMSTRSX, CSMSTRGT, CSMSTRV2, and Data Station Plus. Welcome to Crimson 3—the latest version of Red Lion’s widely-acclaimed configuration software. In addition to the brand new look, Crimson 3 contains myriad new features designed to make it easier to design and implement attractive and powerful user interface solutions.
:: OPCWorx :: Red Lion’s OPCWorx is a configuration tool for our OPC DA servers. This easy-to-use software tool allows you to create and configure an OPC server to communicate with the G3 series HMI, the Data Station Plus or the Enhanced Master, as well as any device that supports Modbus.
